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Lewis F. Powell, Jr. Archives
Information for Visiting Researchers

  • Directions
  • The Lewis F. Powell, Jr. Archives is situated in the Washington and Lee University School of Law in historic Lexington, Virginia. Bus service is the only means of public transportation directly to Lexington. The closest general aviation airport is located 50 miles south in Roanoke, Virginia. The nearest train connections are Staunton, Virginia, 35 miles north, and Clifton Forge, Virginia, 25 miles west. Located near a crossroad of interstate highways 81 and 64, Lexington is easily accessible by auto. Washington, DC is at a 2 1/2 to 3 hour distance to the northeast by auto. Charlottesville, Virginia--home of the University of Virginia--is a 1 1/4 hour drive in the same direction.

  • Lodging
  • A variety of visitor lodging is available. The range includes restored historic inns, bed and breakfast establishments, and national motel chains. The university does not provide lodging for researchers. A listing of accommodations and maps giving directions to the campus are available upon request from the archives or through the links on this page. As matriculations; reunion and homecoming weekends; commencements and other events throughout the academic years of both Washington and Lee University and its neighbor, the Virginia Military Institute, more than fill area motels and inns, it is wise to make reservations well in advance of your visit. You might also wish to check the academic calendars of both W&L and VMI in an attempt to plan visits around from these busy times.

    A project of  The Lewis F. Powell, Jr. Archives, Law Library, School of Law, Washington and Lee University
    Last updated:6/18/02
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    Disclaimer: Information on this site is provided for research purposes only. Unless indicated otherwise, this page and all contents are copyright © 1997-2003 Washington and Lee University.